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My ferrets are really thin.

21 10:41:51

I have two female ferrets, and lately I haven't been giving them as much time outside the cage because of some personal issues. Basically they were in the cage for about three days, they still had full food and water, but there was something strange about them when I let them out again. They had a strange smell, not like the usual musky smell, but a weird unhealthy smell. My sable ferret also looked like she had some missing hair from her tail. And now when I hold them, they feel really thin. I don't understand what could be going on, because they are still active, but all these weird things are happening to them. Could they be depressed? Should I add something to their food to fatten them up a little? What should I do? I'm really worried.

Hi Rachel,

Ferrets, like any pets, can show symptoms of depression and stress by refusing food or aquiring strange behaviors.  Any change in environment or routine can cause this, and certain pets are more succeptable to it than others.    

Try to pay a lot of attention to your guys and monitor their eating habits very closely.  It is best to keep a normal routine.  Any drop in wight is troubling, especially since ferrets need to eat every 4-6 hours to stay healthy.  This is due to their high metabolism.  If they are still loosing weight or not eating well, please see your vet ASAP.  Ferrets can become very ill quickly and may need medical intervention.  

-Cindy P.