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i need information on ferrets

21 10:59:15

i got my ferrets about 2 months ago and i noticed that Mojo was skinner than Billy. so i brought them home and for awhile they were playful Billy still is and Mojo is ever now and then but he lays on the floor and gets in his cage to go to sleep and i don't think he is eating all that much and i don't know what is wrong i am still going to take them to the vet but if you have any information that could help i would appreciate it.

Hi Jamie -

I apologize; I'm not sure why your question hasn't been answered before now.  I will try to help you, but I hope you have taken little Mojo to the vet by now.

It sounds to me that little Mojo may have something very serious wrong with him. It is not normal for a young ferret to not be playful and energetic.  It is possible that he has a heart problem that he was born with; there is also a possibility that (since you say he is skinny) that he has a blockage in his intestines, which can be deadly if not removed.  His intestines may rupture if he eats, so he would not want to eat because it causes his tummy to  hurt.

At any rate, I certainly hope that you have taken little Mojo to the vet by now and that you have a diagnosis for him - and hopefully he's feeling all better by now.

If I can help anytime, please don't hesitate to write - I promise your question will be answered sooner next time!

Jacquie Rodgers