Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > can ferrets have.......................................................

can ferrets have.......................................................

21 10:54:38

   i usually don't give my ferret fruits, and/or veggies, but i was just wondering, can ferrets have oranges?

Dear Janna,

To put it simply, no they can't. They are obligate carnivores and as such can not digest fruits or all. They are not only unhealthy but can pose very dangerous medical problems such as blockages that can be fatal.

So really, never ever give your ferret anything but their food, raw meat, raw eggs, cooked meats, cooked eggs, insects, f/t (frozen thawed) rats, mice, chicks, rabbits, chicken necks, chicken wings etc.

Do not risk your ferrets health to give them fruit, veggies, nuts, carbs, or anything that isn't meat or their food.

Good luck,