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My ferrets....

21 10:45:13

One is believed to be 3 years old the other 2-4 but I am not will sure, they have been treated for worms when we got them from their old owners but I read from a few other people on your site list that ferrets can't get worms. Well the problem is when I was cleaning out their cage this afternoon their were maggot,worm looking things in their litter, so I am concerned. I feed them Harvest mix and their pooped looked normal like everyday. They live in a huge ferret cage the one that takes up its own room almost so am I freaking out over nothing or should I be worried?

Hello Cendra,

It is possible that maggots just got into the litter box, depending on how much you clean it. You should spot clean it every day and once or twice a week, totally clean it. So it could just be that there are maggots in it. I would say clean it with a very mild bleach solution mixed with hot water. I would say 30 units water to 1 unit bleach and make sure to rinse it off all the way several times.

I hope this helps and please don't hesitate to ask if you need anything else!

Emilee Andrews