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Ferrets playing or bullying?

21 10:45:49

I had 3 males, ages 2.5, 5 and 5.5 yrs old.  All three were relatively active and would wrestle and play with each other.

About a week ago, I added a 2 yr old and a 5 yr old male to the group.  The new 5 yr old male seems to want to wrestle and play with everyone, and he is very chatty.  He will chase and tackle the others.  The others usually let out some kind of a screech, but there is no tail puffing or poop flying... so I assume they are playing.  But it just seems like because this new 5 yr old is always tackling someone else, that he might be kind of a bully.  The 2.5 yr old that I already had would do this too, but it wasn't as often as the new addition does.

In addition, the 5.5 yr old that I already had does not seem to be as active with the new arrivals.  Since it's only been 1 week, are they still getting used to each other?

Hi Danielle:

It sounds like you've just got some friendly pecking order choosing going on there.  If it were anything more, you are right, you'd see poop flying.

One sure test as to whether to interfere or not - when two are "fighting", separate them for at least 10 seconds then put them down facing different directions. If the UNDERDOG goes TOWARDS THE FERRET WHO WAS BULLYING HIM, they are playing.  If he runs the other direction, he is welcoming the break in action and would appreciate being bailed out for a while.  They will need to work out their pecking order eventually, but it can be over a period of time and it can be limited in severity if you watch over them while they are at it, especially if they seem to be concentrating on one underdog (ferret).

One other thing that might help in combining two groups - BATHE BOTH GROUPS in the same shampoo, then turn them loose to play.  LAUNDER THEIR BEDDING so it all smells alike too and it's like a miracle happens overnight :-)

Sharing a pleasant experience like a plate with Ferretone dribbled all over it is a great photo op and opportuity for all of them to do something FUN together and realize they can do FUN things together too. Cut your Ferretone 1/2 extra virgin olive oil and 1/2 Ferretone and keep the unused portion refrigerated to keep it from getting rancid (darkening in color). If it darkens in color or gets cloudy, it must be discarded.  Cutting it in half with extra virgin olive oil will lessen the chance of your pet being overdosed on Vitamins A and D. Never feed more than a tablespoon per week per ferret of Ferretone MAX - that's a LOT of ferretone....if you add olive oil, you can give almost twice as much, which is a LOT and they will LOVE YOU for it!  And, their coats will shine and be healthy too!

One thing you might want to look at if your newbies are more active than your current ferrets is the diet they have been on.  Consider that POSSIBLY the diet the other ferrets came in on MAY BE better than the one you have your kids on - yes, diet CAN make that much difference in their energy level and how they feel. It's always worth while to get them on a really good, high meat-based protein (36%-50%) kibble.  The money you spend in good quality food is money that will definitely be SAVED at the vet's office in later years.

Hope that answers your questions.  Write again anytime!


Jacquie Rodgers