Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > My ferret wont stop scratching and NO methods work, tried everything

My ferret wont stop scratching and NO methods work, tried everything

21 10:38:54

I have an 8 month old male ferret who wont stop scratching my carpets. i have tried all methods including ferretone and bitter apple but it does nt seem to curb the habbit. he's damaging my carpets and as i live in a rented house i cant change the flooring. the landlord has had stern words with me about this and is charging me for the damage. what can i do to prevent him from doing more damage through scratching? he is very stubborn!

Well, this is what ferrets do - the are naturally diggers and when in a home they tend to dig.  You can place plastic (like the kind you place under a desk chair or plexiglass) on the carpeted areas in which he is digging.  You can also create a place for him to dig, like a tun with play sand or something similar.  Most importantly, I wouldnt leave him unsupervised in the house.