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Not Waking Up

21 10:52:22

Hey  Cynthia

I have a 3 month old Black eyed white little boy with a little bit of a problem. He is trouble maker to be sure...but he has problems waking up. As in I pick him up and cannot get him to wake up. He is completely limp (And sleeps with his eyes open at times) and twitches as he is still dreaming. I have tried a myriad of things to try to trigger him to wake up to no avail. This usually lasts about 5 minutes then he just snaps out and starts licking me like nothing has happened. Nothing else is out of the ordinary; eats like normal, feces are normal, and he plays like normal. I was just checking to see if you had heard of this before I take the little tyke in for a checkup.

Hello Jenna!  It seems your boy is a bit of a heavy sleeper.  This is nothing to worry about.  Many ferrets are like this, and especially since he is very young he plays hard and sleeps hard!  A vet checkup is never a bad idea, but this is normal behavior.  Some ferrets sleep heavier than others and are more difficult to wake.

-Cindy P.