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Getting Ferret To Listen!

21 10:51:50

I have had my little guy "Dexter" since the end of may this year. He is about 4 1/2 months old. He is a funny little thing but has gotten into this habit of chewing on shoes and ripping things off of shelves. I've been disciplining him by scruffing him and dragging him across the floor (like his mother would do) and telling him a firm "No!". I almost feel like now he just completely ignores the word no and i just feel like a nag! I really need help in the training department because i would really like to have a well trained ferret. I know it takes time and patience but any tips you may have would help. Thanks so much for your time!

- Lorraine

A ferret is not a cat or dog, which means he is naturally inclined to get into things and be curious. There really is nothing you can do to train him not to do those things, except work around him and make your home absolutely ferret-proof. Remove items off of low shelves, be creative and place things you don't want him to knock over high where he can't get to them. If you want your home decorated the way you want it, and not according to whether a ferret can get into things, then maybe a ferret isn't for you. Sorry that's just the way it is when it comes to these pets.