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Is this behavior normal?

21 10:57:42

I'm a first time ferret owner and I've had my 12 week old neutered Marshal male for about 3-4 weeks.  I picked him because he was the mellowest and least nippy of the bunch, however, now I wonder if he's too mellow.  I took him to the vet a few days ago and he was given a clean bill of health.  He rarely dooks and isn't interested in playing with me though he loves to explore.  He does flat ferret several times an hour but never for more than 10 seconds.  I've read that ferrets are crazy bundles of energy as kits but he's just never been that way.  I'm starting to wonder if he's unhappy with me though I'm trying really hard to give him a good life.  He gets to come out about 4 hours each day (usually in 1-2 hour intervals) but he usually will play for the first 30 minutes and then curl up somewhere to sleep.  He's also started rubbing his face on the ground frequently. I'm considering buying him a playmate but I don't genuinely feel that will solve the problem.  Am I just being an overprotective mom or is there something potentially wrong?

Hello, and thank you for your question. You are right, generally baby ferrets are absolutely insane, and what you're describing sounds indeed like one mellow ferret! You say you've already had him checked out by a vet, was it an exotics/ferret vet?? If they were only a general vet, I would recommend you take him to somebody who has had a lot of experience and practical knowledge of ferrets. If the vet you took him to specializes in cats and dogs, they could have missed something very important.

However, it is possible you just have a very chill ferret, although I don't know how normal that is for a baby to act that way. I can assure you it's not you he's unhappy with, ferrets love everybody and become quite attached to their owners :). And if he likes to explore a lot, that is pretty normal ferret behavior. But if he's rubbing his face on the ground, that may be a sign of dry skin, mites, fleas or deafness. I personally would take him to a second vet to get another opinion.

Don't freak out just yet, he could be fine and that's just him. My girl ferret is a little older, but she will only play with me and not the other ferrets so much. I took her to the vet and asked the vet if that was a problem, the vet told me that my little girl was totally heathy and just an A-type personality :)

So again, please get him checked by a ferret vet. If the vet you took him to WAS a ferret vet, you probably don't have anything to worry about, congratulations, you have a low-maintenance (although a not very exciting) ferret. (Although getting a second opinion *just* to make sure never hurts) Mellow fuzzies make good lap ferrets, you can have him cuddle you as you watch tv. Wish mine did that :) Sorry I can't be more specific in helping you, but hope this gives you some idea about your situation.

Best of luck, any more questions feel free to ask!
