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question about hairball treatment for ferrets

21 10:44:13

I got Excel Kittemalt Hairball treatment Remedy Paste for cats, because I couldnt find specialized ferret one anywhere.
It has 950mg of Mineral oil in 1 tsp. dosage is based on weight 1-5 lbs 1/4 tsp daily for 3 days, then 1-2 times a week. I wonder if its ok to give it to my ferrets (3 Lbs and 1.5 Lbs) and if it is ok should i give it to them according to directions ie 1/4 tsp daily for 3 days and then 1-2 times per week?
Thank you;D

Hello Anna,

With those kinds of hairball treatments, I usually say about a half inch to an inch every few days or maybe once or twice a week for a ferret that isn't shedding and an inch to an inch and half daily for shedding seasons! You might consider using petroleum jelly drizzled with Ferretone as an alternative however, as those malty treatments are very sugary and may possibly lead to insulinoma (which is like diabetes in ferrets).

I hope this helps and if you need anything else, please don't hesitate to ask!

Emilee Andrews