Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > A new addition . a huge headache

A new addition . a huge headache

21 10:39:18

QUESTION: So my fiance and i just got a 2nd ferret , Our original ferret "toomy" is 2 years old , and the new ferret "puddles" is 8 months old . We just brought puddles home two or three days ago . but we seem to be having problems getting the two ferrets to mingle .I don't know if maybe I'm just over reacting not having had more then one ferret at a time before , but when they play it seems very violent and there's a lot of squeaking and poo lol . Is that normal ? we don't keep them together for long , they both have their own sleeping areas for the time being , but we try and give them time together and every time its squealing and poo .... is this normal ? is there ever a chance it will get less aggressive ?what can we do to help them get along ?

ANSWER: This is not unusual behavior when ferret meet for the first time, especially when one ferret isn't used to being around another.  Ferret play is naturally violent (or so it seems to us), but our instinct to separate them is not usually the best idea as it can increase the aggression the next time they meet.  The best way to help them get along is to introduce them in a neutral space and leave them to it unless you see one ferret constantly being forced to be bitten.  If the interactions are interrupted constantly - after one screams the other backs off then they go at it again, things should be fine.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: But what about all the poo ? ive been looking around and thats bad apparently. its  only the one ferret pooing ,

Depends on which ferret is pooping.  If it is the one you have had for a while, it is nerves since he hasn't been around other ferrets for a while.  Keep an eye on him and keep the new ferret occupied with interactions with you and toys etc when it gets too tense for the other one.