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traveling with a ferret

21 10:57:26

Hello i have a question that i have been stressing over trying my best to look it up online but cannot find an answer i will be flying on a plane to oregon from michigan and i will be staying there for about 4 months i have everything worked out with the airline they know i will have a ferret onboard because i refuse to put my ferret under the plane but he DOES NOT like being in his cage he will scratch and scratch until i get so annoyed ill let him out im worried he will do this on the plane and wont stop we have a long day ahead of us i have to stop at two different airports alltogether it will take us about 10-11 hrs to get to oregon plus the 1 1/2 drive also the airline dosnt allow big cages enough room for his potty area food area and sleeping area so i have to take him in a pet taxi and dont want him to potty on himself i was thinking about not feeding him until i got to orgeon BUT i wanted some advice before i do this im not sure if u have any expierience in this but it would take alot of my worries away if u could give me some advice on something i could do?

thank you sooo much!!

Hi Rachel and thanks for writing.

I strongly oppose taking ferrets on airplanes under any circumstances but I realize in some cases people have no choice. I assume you're flying Delta because that's the only airline, to my knowledge, that will allow ferrets to fly in the cabin with you as carry-on "luggage."

I have two suggestions for you:  (1) have your veterinarian prescribe a sedative that is appropriate for ferrets before you start your trip - that will take care of his carrier-hating, and (2) get a carrier that will fit under the seat but also will enable you to attach a hammock to the inside - that is a must - you have to be able to put a small ferret hammock in it......put a small shoebox in the back of the carrier for his litter pan (fill it SPARINGLY, just enough to cover the bottom, with Yesterday's News litter, Marshall's ferret litter, or wood stove not under any circumstances use regular cat litter - you will have a hellish mess on your hands), and clip a hamster-size water bottle & food bowl to the carrier door. Don't fill the bowl more than halfway (he's unlikely to eat much anyway). The ferret sleeping in the hammock will keep him out of his litter. Bring some 8-In-1 or Marshall's Bandits treats along, too.

There are four ferret resources in Michigan that can help you with veterinarian & travelling/airport advice & may even have appropriate carriers for sale:

Good luck and have a safe trip,