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new ferret.

21 10:50:57

I was wondering how long it usually takes for a new ferret to settle down and let their normal personality show?
I've had this ferret(Oliver) for about a week and a half now
and I took him to the vet and he's perfectly healthy. But is it normal for a ferret to just be very calm and not very playful? I've introduced him to my other ferret who's very playful and crazy, but Oliver just doesn't seem interested at all. He just explores and then lays down. Do you think it's just because he's still getting use to his new home? or that's just his personality?
thank you so much for your answers!

Sometimes  having a "chill" ferret is normal. As long as he checks out with the vet, I wouldn't be too worried. All ferrets are different, enjoy having a lap ferret (one that actually likes to cuddle and be affectionate rather than running around all the time non stop). By a month in  he should be completely settled in and his true personality showing.