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Hartz Food For Ferrets

21 10:50:57


First off, I just bought my ferret today, but I have done tons of research on how to care for my little Dakoda months ahead of time. He is such a cutie and I feel like I can offer him the best home in the world, or so I hope. I only think its fair since he picked me out, hes putting so much trust into me and I don't want to let him down.

Because I want to offer him this "best" home, I decided to always be cautious with him. Which includes what he eats. You see, I read the book Ferrets for Dummies by Kim Schilling ( I was told its the best book for beginners.) along with a million of other books. In the book, it states that ferrets should not eat corn, but Hartz food first ingredient is Kibbled Corn, Fish meal, poultry meat, soy flour and animal blood, the list goes on... Is this the best food or can you tell me what the best food is for my little guy. I want only the best, the price does not matter!!!

In case your wondering, I only bought Hartz food because I was in a rush and it was the only one they had at the super market. I know being in a rush was not a good thing, but I had a family emergence and I thought some food was better than non. The worse that could happen is that I have to throw the whole bag away which is fine with me.  

Thank you so much for your help.

p.s If you have any other advice feel free to add it. I am not lying when I say I only want the best home for this little guy. I heard how some people just like looking at ferrets and keep them in there cage, and I defiantly do NOT want to be one of those people.

Hi Emily,

Congratulations on the new addition to the family! Welcome to the wonderful, wacky world of ferret parenting. Let me tell you right now, there will not be a dull moment.

Hartz is not a good food. I can just tell you that right now judging by the first three ingredients. The first three ingredients that should be in a good ferret food are all meat! Ferrets are obligate carnivores, as I'm sure you know, means they can only have meat! No fruits, vegetables or grains! Good foods can have meat by-products. Great foods don't have by-products. Keep that in mind. Also, good and great foods have at least 36% protein, 20% fat and no more than 3% fiber. That is the breakdown of a good food. Here is a really good link that I like to give to new ferret owners: The best foods are at the top of the chart and the worst are at the bottom!

I hope your little Dakoda hasn't gotten used to this food. Ferrets, especially kits, tend to imprint on the smell of a specific food and they don't identify anything else as food. I suggest you go buy a better food, and then start mixing it with the food he's getting now. For a few days to a week, mix 85% old food, 15% new food. Then, the next week, make it 75%, 25% and so on. That way, the switch will be gradual. If you notice that he has loose to runny stool, don't be alarmed. That happens when a ferret gets a diet switch. If it lasts for more than a week, he should be seen by a vet, but other than that, just make sure he stays hydrated.

Is there anything else you would like to know? Things you aren't clear on? Questions you want to ask? If there is something, please don't hesitate to ask! I will get back to you sooner next time, I promise.

Emilee Andrews