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All About FLEAS & Ferrets

21 10:56:11

Hi Jacquie, recently acquired an albino ferret...with fleas!  Have 2 dogs and 1 cat in the house.  I use frontline on them.  Can I use Adams flea spray on this ferret?  According to the prev owner, ferret is male, 2 years old.  Feeding / bathroom habits seem normal.  But cannot control fleas.

Hi Carol:

Gosh, I'm glad you didn't use the Adams flea spray - hopefully - on your ferret!  Sprays are very very harmful to delicate ferret lungs. Also really bad for ferrets are powders and dips - very dangerous!

You can use the Frontline, Program or Advantage (get them at your vet's office) on the ferret - use according to label directions for "kittens" and you will be fine.  You might also want to consider removing your pets for a day and having your home "bug bombed" and chemically treated by a professional to get rid of the little buggers for good or you will be fighting this battle forever. Be sure to let the exterminator know what pets you have and where the ferrets play, etc so they won't put anything poison in an area that would be dangerous for your ferret.

Here is a great article about fleas and other parasites that will tell you much more about fleas than you ever wanted to know! :-)

Best of luck - hope you get this problem controlled soon so that all involved can rest better - and SAFELY!


Jacquie Rodgers