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upset tummy with insulinoma

21 10:43:54

Hi! My ferret Jackie Bear, who is 6, had surgery for insulinoma 6 months ago and recently began showing signs again of insulinoma, staring into space and falling over. The vet put him on prednisone which I have been giving him for about a week. He has started refusing to eat and had one tarry stool and I can tell his tummy hurts him. The vet told me to give him 1/4 tablet of pepcid and to stop the prednisone for now. I have given him one  dose. My question is, it says on the box for acid reduction, is this the best thing give him for an upset tummy? Could you recommend something else? We have to be careful of lactose and sugars and such because of the insulinoma. I am completely out of money and resources and have already talked to the vet for "free". I just want to do what is best for my little guy. Thank you so much in advance.

I have had great success with Pepcid and ferrets it is something my vet always prescribes to ferrets with suspected or preventing ulcers.

I would do as the vet is suggesting for now and start saving up some money in case he doesn't get any better he will need to be taken back to the vet.

Sorry about your sick fuzzy hope he feels better soon