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lump on ferrets mouth

21 10:44:54

my ferret is about one and a half years old. one day I went to go pull him out of his cage and i noticed a large hard lump on his right cheek. I've opened his mouth to see if he maybe broke a tooth or something but I don't see anything.I've set up a vet appointment but its not for another week or so. do you know what this lump might be and if you do could you please help me?

Hi Sean,

Unfortunately, I'm not sure what it could be. You said the lump is hard? It may be a bone growth, but I don't think that would just spring up out of nowhere. An abscess would be a bit on the soft side, I think. I'm so sorry! I wish I could be more help. You really need to have a ferret knowledgeable vet take a look at it and see what they think. I am so sorry I couldn't be of more help. In the meantime, watch him and make sure he's eating, drinking and going to the bathroom normally and make sure you take note of any changes in habits or behaviors. If you see anything, please get him into the vet ASAP! Please let me know how this turns out!

Emilee Andrews