Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > Lymphoma


21 10:41:39

Hello, Cindy - I e-mailed you previously about my ferret, Felix, who has lymphoma. I am also wondering what you know about Gravizon (from the S. American graviola tree) for cancer treatment. I ordered a liquid today, described at Since you are studying veterinary medicine, I thought you might be able to find out if it is safe for ferrets, and what the dosage should be. My vet was uncertain about it.

I have looked everywhere for information on VIN (Veterinary Information Network)and the online database in the library.  I have not found anything about Gravizon relating to the treatment of lymphoma in ferrets.  The problem is, some things can be toxic for one species but not another and the doses can vary.  I wish I could be more help, but there just are not any studies to confirm or disregard the benefits of its use.  

I will ask around a bit more and see if I can find anything.  I still have a few more sources to look into.  Likewise, please let me know if it works for you.  I can use the information to potentially help other ferret owners who have a similar case.  

Cindy P.