Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > kits


21 10:49:31

hi i was just wondering on your views of de-scenting of ferrets, i currently have a litter of 5 1/2 week old kits who are in the process of being weaned (early due to the mother rejecting them early) we are keeping a female and having her desexed at about 3 months old and our vet recomended de-scenting.

Hello Adam,

They must be ADORABLE.  They are so much fun at that age.  It is wonderful that you get to see them develop and grow.

I do not recammend de-scenting of ferrets.  The anal glands are only expressed when the ferret is scared or very excited and the smell dissipates rapidly. De-scenting is only a marketing ploy, and there can be complications involving anal tone later in life.  For this reason it is better to keep them intact and avoid the surgery.  I have both a de-scented female and male who has not had them removed.  I notice little difference between the two.  

I would wait a bit longer than three months to fix your female.  She needs the hormones produced by the uterus to grow.  It is thought the early fixing of ferrets is related to serious health complications such as adrenal disease.  I would would wait until she is approximately 6 months of age, right before she would go into her first heat.  This will allow her body ample time to grow and mature.  

-Cindy P.