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Ferret Died - Need New Cagemate?

21 10:56:15

My 4 year old male ferret died today. My concern is I have his sister, they are from the same litter and have never been apart. She is pretty agressive with my other animals and I am afraid she will not get along well with another ferret but I don't want her to be alone. What do you think?

Hi Ashley:

First of all, I'm so very sorry to hear of your ferret's death. If you haven't done so yet, you may want to write a few sentences about him and put an online memorial to him here:

Having just gone thru this myself - and being left with one ferret - like you, I had to make some important decisions.  In my current situation, it made more sense for me to spend more time with the one remaining ferret rather than bring a new ferret home to keep him company.  He is *definitely* missing his big sis and I'm sure doesn't remember life without her, as he joined our family when he was a tiny little baby and she was already an adult.  

I've spent a LOT more time, off and on throughout every day - first thing in the morning and last thing at night - just making sure he gets a LOT of talking to, handling, cuddling and hopefully making him feel very special. I have the time to do this - if you don't, or can't, the other option is to get another ferret to help keep him company. Even if you do bring a new ferret into your home, it is a good idea to spend a bit of "extra" time with her, as she will definitely mourn her buddy and she feels the same feelings of missing him as you do...possibly even stronger since he was with her day and night 24/7. So, he will need extra love and attention for a while as his heart heals also.

I absolutely understand that she may be very particular about who she shares her cage with!  You would be surprised, but many ferrets are quite picky about their buddies!

The absolutely ideal way to handle getting another ferret is for you to find a shelter in your area (that way you know you aren't exposing your current ferret to some very contagious diseases that are common in pet stores such has intestinal parasites, ECE and other common diseases). A shelter ferret has usually been cared for by a vet, has the watchful eye of the shelter ownern on him is probably more healthy. Also, a shelter ferret won't be as "antsy" and energetic as a kit (baby ferret) would be. Often a ferret closer to the existing ferret's age is a much better match.

Here is a list of shelters in the U.S., divided by state, then by city. Hopefully there will be one in your area. Be sure to call ahead and ask if you can bring your current ferret WITH YOU to choose a new buddy for her. The shelter operator will absolutely understand this request, as the best matches are usually done this way.  Here are the lists...some shelters are probably duplicated, but each list MAY have some shelters listed that are missing on others. Since I don't know where you live, I will include shelters in Canada and UK also - use whichever list is closest to where you live:

SHELTERS - Canada, Germany, New Zealand



I hope you will contact a shelter and get in right away to find that little friend for your little girl. In the meantime, please, please be sure to spend extra time, encourage her to play, take her with you as often as possible - anything you can do and include the ferret in your activities. I have had personal experience of other ferrets dying shortly after the death of their cagemates - they will just mourn themselves to death if they don't get lots of special love and care.

I am leaving my deceased ferret's favorite stuffed ferret (with her smell on it) in the bed with my remaining ferret and he does seem to drape himself over it when he sleeps. Also, I didn't change the linens (hammock, etc) or wash any toys that would have her scent on it for at least 10 days after her death, when I saw that he was beginning to want to play again.

Best of luck to you!   Let me know if you do end up getting a ferret from a shelter - seems to me it would be the best for all - a buddy about her age  will most likely be much more fun for her than a wiggly little baby that often irritates the older ferrets.  Just make sure you let you help choose her buddy and you will be okay :-)  My thoughts and prayers are with both of you.


Jacquie Rodgers