Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > Playing With Chihuahua ?

Playing With Chihuahua ?

21 10:56:55

QUESTION: I feel stupid for asking a question every day(or so it seems). I do so value your input and I really do read a lot...yes I even have Ferrets for Dummies.
 My latest ferret and doggy (Chihuahua) love to chase eachother. It's very funny...tails are wagging like crazy! My grandmother swears that Molly (the chihuahua) is going to hurt Snow (ferret). She says it's way too rough on the ferret and I need to make them stop. I want to ask if you think them playing is ok.  Thank you!!

ANSWER: Hi Claudia:

Don't ever feel bad about writing often!  You are wise enough to keep learning and that's what is important! You very well may be asking questions that someone else wanted to ask, but was too shy - instead they will read your question and answer and learn from it!  So, there are no stupid questions and there are never too many! :-)  Answering questions and helping educate folks about their ferrets is what we are here for!

As far as dogs (in general), cats and even other ferrets are concerned, overall people need to extra cautious initially and introduce them with a LOT of supervision - sometimes they should ONLY be together when there is supervision. A small dog like a chihuahua could be a really good little playmate for the ferret, actually. Size-wise, they are pretty well matched!

The way I would determine if a dog and ferret should be allowed to play is.......when they are playing, is the dog constantly chasing the dog into tiny areas where it looks like the ferret is trying to *hide* from the dog.....or is the ferret actively chasing the dog and dog chasing the ferret - back and forth?

Ferrets play really HARD with each other. They wrestle, roll, bite and squeal!  They have very thick skin and aren't easily injured - if you could see two ferrets play, there would be times you were just sure they were going to kill each other! LOL  

The way we decide if they are "playing" or "hurting" is quite simple.  Does the ferret poop when the dog comes near it?  We use the motto:  "No Poop, No Blood, No Foul".  In other words, as long as they are not drawing blood on each other; the ferret is not pooping (from fear) when the dog is around it.....then they ARE playing and probably having a wonderful time.  If you just keep that "No Poop, No Blood, No Foul" in mind, whether playing with a dog, cat, or other ferret - you will know exactly whether the ferret is playing or being stalked at any given time.

Hope that helps - don't hesitate to write again!  You have good questions!!


Jacquie Rodgers

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you! I guess I should look at it like the only stupid questions are the ones not asked!
 As far as playing goes its hilarious...the dog runs around the living room and the ferret is right behind her...if doggy sits...the ferret jumps her!  There's never hiding or hurt sounds...I wish I had a camcorder. LOL

Hi Claudia:

That's awesome!!  I bet it is hilarious to watch - maybe you can borrow a camcorder - there are TV shows that would pay big bucks for that if you can record it!!  No doubt both the dog and the ferret are having the time of their lives!

I think it's nice that now you can just sit and watch and ENJOY them and have peace of mind - because they really are obviously just enjoying themselves :-)

Best of luck to you and the silly little ones. Please don't ever hesitate to write.....yes, the stupid questions are the ones that don't get asked.  I was surprised when I first started volunteering on here and people would say "I've been reading similar problems and the answers you gave them, so I *think* I know the answer to this, but I want to just be sure, so here's my story......"  Wow, I'm just so happy that all the time it takes to write all these  answers really IS helping people.  That's all I could  ever ask and I'm privileged to be able to serve my fellow ferret owners.  I was initiated into the job of being a ferret mommy really early, shortly after I got my first ferrets and horrible illness struck, so I had to learn fast - their lives depended on it.  Now I'm SO grateful to those people who helped me, guided me and sometimes sat up all night with me online while I rocked a sick ferret......and helping folks on here is my way of paying back the care and knowledge that was given to me early on.

Best of luck - and get that on tape!!  :-)  Write ANY TIME!


Jacquie Rodgers