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Ferret litter problems

21 11:00:19

Hello,I need help really bad.
My ferret Isis, won't use her litter pan in her cage.I've had her for a month and a half now and I've tried everything I could find in documents.
At first I let her chose the corner she wanted,after that I put the litter pan with some of her excrements,did'nt work.I tried waking her up and putting her right away in her pan,did'nt work.I tried putting two litters  in the cage,did'nt work..I even put vinigar in three corners,did'nt work.Everytime I put new litter in the pan,she digs it out and puts in every corner in the cage and leaves the pan empty and never goes in it..I also put toys in each corner and she goes on them instead of the litter box..I hope you can help me because this is getting tiresome.Thank you


I'm sorry you are having such a hard time! It CAN be very frustrating! You did not say how old your ferret is but if she is only a few months old, maybe she'll grow out of it, just keep trying what you've been doing. Also, if you are using litter like Yesterday's news or anything other than cat litter, your ferret may see it more as a play toy than litter. Keep scooping up the dirty litter and putting back into the pan, only taking out most of the excrement and urine. Hopefully, by keeping the litter "dirty" for a while she'll eventually catch on that it's for potty work only!

I had a ferret that would dig out all her litter (or most of it) until she grew out of that mischievous, kit phase. You can also try letting her out to play as much as humanly possible to wear her out or get her a friend she can play with instead of her litter. Mostly I think it's just a phase she'll need to grow out of.

Sorry I could not be of much help but you've done just about as much as you can do!

Good luck!

Adrienne Mortimer