Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > farret


21 10:58:41

my sister recently got a baby farret from petland and it was 2 months old. they told her it was ready to go. is that too early? also, it died 3 days after they got it. on the first day it just drank things and wouldnt eat. the next two days it wouldn't eat or drink. It has been just over a week and our other farret just died. is there anything that the baby ferret could have had and spread to the older ferret. the older ferret was also very healthy. and last do you know if there is any chance that it could spread to the other animals? thank you for your time.

Usually pet stores have contracts for animals that die that quickly as it must have had something.  Make sure you get any remaining animals to your vet to have them checked out.  I would need to know age and previous history of the other ferret and how it dies to be able to answer your question.  2 months is not uncommon for ferrets to be sold and should be healthy at this point.  A ferret can stress and dehydrate VERY quickly and even 8 hours without water can kill.  If a ferret shows signs of not drinking, a vet must be contacted to give fluids and to figure out why it stopped drinking.  AGain, without knowing any specifics regarding your other ferret and without a necropsy I really can't help.