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Getting a trio in may and need some advice.

21 11:01:03

Hello, I fianly found a breeder in my area, she has bred them last week and is expecting babsy in late march to early april teh babsyw ill be ready in may, I am going to get a trio of males(or two males and a female), I have this huge cage I bulit for my lizard its four feet tall, three feet deep adn two feet across, its got wodden shelfs, and has a wire front, I will add some hammocks and ramps so they can climb up to the top shelf, I will get soem cat jinggle balls, cat roller toys, small stuffed dog/cat toys, ping pong balls and make some tunnles out of cardboard boxes and pvc pipes... is this sounding good so far? I will be feeding them nutreance kitten food as this is what she feeds them, I am not sure about collors with bells or harrnesses yet what is your take one them wearing collars or harrness when out of cage? they wont be spayed/neutered but I will be albe to get this done at a discounted price as she will give me some sort of certificte, could I start spaying/neutering at 3/4 months? as for exercise could they jsut run around the bathroom? its ferret proofed, umm any other homemade toy ideas, games and what to do there first day hoem would be great, thanks.

Hello, sounds like you have an exciting time ahead of you. Your list sounds very good. Also, get the book called "ferrets for Dummies" ... it is a very good book for beginner ferret owners.
You can spay/neuter at that age, that is fine, but you vet will be able to tell you exactly about that. All the ferrets I have owned have been "fixed" prior to my owning them, so I would ask your vet.
I use Marshall Farms harnesses ONLY... I LOVE these, because they are almost escape proof. I do not personally recommend the wearing of bell collars, because ferrets tend to "burrow" and squeeze into tight spots, and they can be caught and strangled by a collar.
If you are worried about locating your ferrets, it is VERY easy to train them to come to a clicker, or a bell, or a can of pennies rattled. Just start them out by giving a treat each time they come when you ring the bell, and they will learn VERY fast to come when the bell rings! I personally used a clicker from my pet store, and it worked really great (except with my deaf ferret, of course!)
The bathroom should be good, but get a TOILET LID LOCK! Too many ferrets have drown from being too curious about the toilet.
As far as toy ideas, they will paly with ANYTHING pratically. A paper bag, empty two liter bottle etc.
 As far as the first few days/weeks you have your new ferrets: Your new ferrets will probably only be about 6-8 weeks old. A baby ferret is much like an infant child. They do not do much but eat and sleep. And they won't interact with you until they get a little older. It is perfectly FINE to handle, hold, snuggle with your new ferret as a baby. There is no need to "baby" them, because even though they seem small babies, they are strong little animals. I always tell people an infant ferret is VERY similar to a kitten.
Mostly, the first couple of months you have your new ferrets, will be mostly eating sleeping and exploring. They usually start to get playful at about three to six months old.
It sounds like you are well prepared,
I am jealous, a trio will be great fun!
Good luck, and keep me posted!