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Fleas on my ferrett

21 11:00:37

Can I use Adams flee soap and or spay on my ferrett? Can you recommend a spray?

Hi Cindy,

I hope you are enjoying your ferret friend! While I am sure Adams flea spray would do an adequate job, I don't really trust the ingredients in it to not be harmful to both the fleas and pets. Your best bet is to go to your veterinarian or a Petsmart or Petco and buy either Frontline or Advantage. Both are proven safe for ferrets and will treat them for fleas for the month and even longer in some cases. Using a spray such as Adams will only take care of the problem for one day and since fleas have to be in the surrounding environment that your ferret is in, it just does not make sense to treat fleas day by day. Use the Advantage or Frontline (just a couple of drops between the shoulderblades) each month -- a good trick is, if your vet will do it, is to buy only one tube of the large dog size Advantage and use a couple of drops each month making the tube last a long time. In the meantime, find out where the fleas are coming from, does your neighbor have outside dogs with fleas that are coming into your yard where you can bring them in on your socks, are you letting your ferret outside with you (if so, simply stop letting your ferret outside), do you have dogs that bring them in, etc. If it is the neighbors yard that has fleas there is little you can do but treat your yard and house and keep your little guy on flea prevention but if it has just gotten out of hand in your house without knowing how, then treat your house by just treating your pets continuously with Advantage or Fromtline until the fleas evenutally die out. If you do it that way, initially it may seems expensive but it is actually the most cost effective way of doing it since it works! So many people go the cheapest way only to find out that you have to use it so much it is actually alot more expenisive in the long run -- esp. since most times it won't work!

Please feel free to e-mail me with any other questions. My personal e-mail is

Adrienne Mortimer