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Help! My ferret is mysteriously ill

21 10:43:22

For the past two and a half weeks, my male ferret has had an enlarged spleen and is extremely lethargic. I let him out of his cage and he barely walks before flopping on the ground like he is exhausted. When he needs to poop, he struggles to make is across the room to his box. He is eating and drinking what seem to be normal amounts. When I palpate his underside he doesn't act like he is in pain. He is very restless when he is trying to sleep.

In the past 24 hours his stool has gotten shorter but isn't pencil thin, and it is a normal color and consistency. For the past two days he seems to be farting sometimes when he poops, which I've never heard him do before. I took him to the vet within the first few days of his lethargy, and was given liquid Amoxicillin. I've been administering the antibiotic for ten days but he hasn't shown any improvement. I'm taking him to the vet again tomorrow but I'm trying to get as much advice and information as possible. I know you aren't a vet but do you have any suggestions for what this aliment might be? Thank you.

Has your vet checked for a blockage? With blockage the poop will be a normal color but since there is a blockage not much can pass and it will come out in just pencil lead lines.

With an enlarged spleen the ferret is usually not operated on unless they are showing discomfort such as lethargy, a decrease in activity, and sometimes a decrease in appetite the spleen is usually removed.