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Litterbox trouble, tried everything i can

21 10:56:58

Macky, my little fuzzy bundle of 'joy'... is free of MOST of his nippy unwanted behavior, and will now sit on my chest, and lick my face. But for the life of him, me, and the nose of everyone, he refuses to go in his litterbox. I have scooped it, leaving a starter poop in there each time, relocated it to his new favored corner, moved his food and water into other corners, and left the corner he refuses to poop in alone. What my little fuzzbutt has done, is to spite me and poop next to both his food and water bowls. As I understood it, he shouldnt do that. He KNOWS what a litter box is, i've seen him use it without prompt. But he just can't seem to get it right. Until he does, He cannot be let out to roam the house, my room, etc. And to cage a ferret most of the time is something i never wanted to do. Please help?

Many thanks,

Colin and Macky

Hi Colin (and you too, Macky!):

What I have found most effective *inside the cage* is to put baby receiving blankets (can get nice ones at a thrift store for about a dollar each) or other 'blankies' (whatever you use for your ferret's bedding) scattered anywhere on the cage floor that your little guy insists on pooping. He won't poop on his bedding. Put his bowls right up on them too!  Toss in a few chew-safe toys so he doesn't get too bored in the cage, and he's fine for a good part of the day, as they sleep about 20 hours a day and are actually much safer inside their cage. In case of emergency or fire, you know right where to find him to evacuate him; and that's just one advantage!  Ferrets should be out of the cage for supervised play about 3 to 4 hours a day, tho.

For *outside the cage* litterbox training, start in the smallest room possible.  Know that our ferret will probably go potty within 5 minutes of awakening, so watch him very carefully. As soon as he starts to back up, pick him up and put him down in the litterbox to finish his job.....then say "GOOD BOY!!!" and continue to praise him.

If you allow him in a larger room, you will need more litterboxes - sometimes young ferrets just don't have enough notice that it's potty time to get to a litterbox unless it's really handy.  You can also use newspaper in corners if you don't have enough litterboxes. Several thicknesses do the trick great and can be picked up as soon as you put him to bed for the night (easier than scooping a litterbox!  When your ferret is out playing and anytime you see him backing up, pick him up and carry him to the litterbox, then just keep putting him in the box (or on the newspapers) and say "GO POTTY GOODBOY!!"   Eventually he will, and then you praise, praise, praise!!

Once ferrets are litterbox trained, they will not forget it, so it's definitely worth taking the time to train them. Young and old ferrets will all learn to use a litterbox or newspapers if you are consistent - maybe even rewarding with a lick of Ferretone while praising them after a good 'hit'.  I make a really big deal of it and give them Ferretone and "GOOD BOY" and get all excited...they understand; really they do.  The trick is to keep the AREA *small* and slowly increase the size of the room they are allowed in and increase litterboxes - put them in all corners if you have to.  I try not to punish when they miss the box - I figure it was my fault for not supervising my ferret close enough. We either move back to a smaller room (I start my ferrets in the bathroom with me and some toys on the floor and then go up from there - within a week or so, we have the whole front portion of the house (where the ferrets are allowed) licked - no problem.  One step at a time....and lots of patience and love helps too.

I know it will work for you, as it has for thousands of other ferret moms and dads - just hang in there and be consistent. You sound like a great ferret dad.  I do hope you will reconsider caging Marley when you aren't home tho....too many things can happen. I've heard many a horror story; everything from injuries from falls, ingesting everything from foam ear plugs to safety pins and shoe get the idea.  They really DO need supervision when they are out playing.  I get their toys  out and let them play 3 to 4 hours a day; and just before putting them back to bed I clean their cage and then make them some warm soup. They eat their soup, get kisses and get tucked into nice clean beds, clean litterboc, with clean water and a full water bowl. Then I don't have to worry about them - at least for a while. I confess, I do look in on them multiple times a day and sometimes they just look so sweet sleeping that I have to sneak one or both out for some snuggles and kisses, then tuck them back in :-)

You might want to consider getting the book FERRETS FOR DUMMIES by Kim Schilling - it's a great book for old and new ferret owners alike. It will help you in realizing all the dangers that exist in your home that you're unaware of. I've even heard of them chewing thru the dryer vent hose and getting OUT OF THE HOUSE!!  They really need to be supervised OR blocked safely in a completely ferretproofed "ferret room"....hope you will reconsider that one.

Hugs to you and Marley - you sound like an awesome ferret dad!


Jacquie Rodgers