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Does me ferret like me?

21 10:59:30

   My little girl, Revan, use to have other owners--I bought her from her previous owners. She's 4 almost 5 (in December) and I've had her for about 2 years now..but I'm just now sure if she "loves" me. I've been reading articles that describe the "affection" and all, but they're never really specific. what exactly is "ferret affection" and what are some signs to know if she likes me or not?

adriana, 14, FL

Hello Adriana,
ferrets do not show outward affection, they are more playful little beasts. You would not necessarily get "kisses" from most ferrets. If she is playful with you, she likes you. If she is fearful, nipping, biting, not eating, then I would say she is depressed.
But ferrets do not usually snuggle, lick, tail wag like puppies. My best guess is that she likes you very much, or she would not be eating sleeping or generally healthy.
And previous owners really do not come in to play. Most ferrets "love" who is feeding and caring for them.
Best regards,