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sloppy stools

21 10:59:50

    im not quite sure if there is anything wrong with my ferret or not. About 1 and a half months ago my 6 month old sable started to do really sloppy poos and he still hasnt gotten any better. He is eating but not as much as he used to. He is still very energetic and loves to run around and sometimes his poos are 'seedy'. As far as i can tell he looks very healthy with nice pink gums and white teeth and also a very shiny fluffy coat. The only thing im worried about are his poos - is he alright?
        thanks, Ben

Hi Ben,

Does your ferrets have tatoos (two or one little dots in his ears)?  If so he is a Marshall Farms ferret.  What they have that can be dormant most of the time is ECE.  "The Greens"  That is seedy sloppy poop.  They can get stressed and it can act up or anything can cause it to act up.  The most important thing is to make sure your ferret gets alot of water and eats.  If you need to jump start his eating get some chicken baby food and heat it up, add a little water and see if that helps his appetite.  Pepto Bismal can be given to ferrets too to help his poop.  The only worry with runny seedy poop is it can cause dehydration and that can kill a ferret.  As long as he acts fine and is eating and not lethargic, etc.   He should be fine.  Just get some more food and lots of water down him along with Pepto Bismal.  By the way, they hate Pepto but it is helpful to them when they have the runs.
