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lump on ferrets tummy

21 10:58:51

Our baby ferret (13-14 wks) has had a strange lump on his lower tummy for one or two weeks. At first it appeared and disappeared and moved around slightly, disappearing when he was lying on his back, then sometimes reappearing after he'd been running around or recently pooped. It's slightly smaller than a dime and protrudes about 1/4" from his tummy, seems to be just below the skin, is whiter than the surrounding skin, and feels to the touch like a blister. It may have gotten slightly bigger recently, but it doesn't seem to cause him any pain, he's not scratching at it, he's full of energy and seems very healthy. We're trying to gather as much info as we can before taking him to the vet, as he's so young we don't want to traumatize him with that unless it seems to be necessary. One theory of ours is it might be a hernia? We have two ferrets and they do play quite rough (and this ferret is the baby of the two), so I don't know if a hernia would be a commonplace side effect of that. Any information would be greatly appreciated. :)


Hi Nicole,
I've never had a ferret with a hernia and I've had many and still do.  Being as your two play rough the lump could be from a bite from you other little ferret as you said or your baby could have bumped his tummy.  Did you get your ferret from a breeder or a pet store?  I presume he has been neutered as I had a ferret that was not and he had undesended testicles and that is where the bumps were.  I doubt seriously that what your little one has is anything to worry about, just keep an eye on it.
If I can be of further help please feel free to ask me.
