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fleas on ferrets

21 10:44:56

i was just wondering what you use as a monthly flea control. I was told not to use frontline, which is what i use on the dog and cat. thank you for your time.    Tricia

Hello Tricia,

This is an excellent question!!  Not only do fleas carry nasty buggies such as tapeworms, but ferrets are a preferred source of food.  They have a higher body temperature than dogs or cats, making them more tasty. This is dangerous, since even a few fleas can cause blood loss and anemia.  

The best form of flea control in ferrets is a product called Revolution.  Use the one for PUPPIES and KITTENS that are UNDER 5 lbs, and use only 1/2 of a pouch per ferret each month. Do not use any other size/variety.  

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ALWAYS buy flea products from your veterinarian.  Items purchased online and from pet stores can be counterfeit products.  It is extremely dangerous to put such things on your pets, since they are POISON and not necessarily the same thing as the real stuff.  It is always better to be safe than sorry.  Both Frontline and Revolution can be purchased from your local vet.  

Never use any over-the-counter flea and tick medications on ANY pet without veterinary approval.  I have seen animals come in to the ER seizureing and even die from brands such as Sarges or Hartz.  Especially in ferrets, NEVER use flea collars, powders or sprays.   Also remember that topical drop types cannot be washed off easily.  With ferrets, the most important thing to remember is that Pyrethrin should be the ONLY active ingredient.  DO NOT use any product that contains organophosphates, carbamates or petroleum distillates.  These can be VERY harmful to your ferret or fatal!

Remember that flea treatment is just as important in the environment as on the pet!  Make sure to wash all bedding in hot water and vacuum SEVERAL TIMES to remove any remaining eggs or fleas. Flea bombs are another choice, but make sure you remove your ferrets from the premises for at least 24 hrs afterwards.  Also, treat all pets in the household for fleas at the same time.  Make sure you keep any treated cats/dogs away from your ferrets for 24 hours since Revolution is a different medication from Frontline and you do NOT want your ferret in contact with it.  

I hope this helps and your home is soon bug-free!  If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to ask.  If you have any specific questions regarding certain flea treatments, it is ALWAYS the best idea to contact your veterinarian.  

-Cindy P.