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deaf ferret?

21 11:01:25

someone told me that because my ferret has a stripe down his head, he could be deaf.
Is this true?

If you have a blaze ferret, or some "Panda" marked ferrets (Darker patches under eyes), it could deaf due to something called Waardenburg Syndrome.  Since this is genetic,aprox 95% of blaze ferrets are deaf. It is similar to all white Dalmatians being deaf. It is simply akin to a birth defect.
I had a deaf Blaze ferret who has Waardenburg Syndrome.  It does take a bit extra to train, but it's definitely not impossible. And he had no other Ill effects from this.  There are simple ways to train them, such as using the lights flickering to call them to you, etc. It takes some creative thinking, but it is worth it.
As far as health and other behaviors go, there is VERY little difference between a hearing ferret and a deaf one. You just need to make sure you don't startle them when they are asleep, and also maybe put a bell collar on them when they are playing, so you can locate them easily.
Your vet will be able to tell you for sure if he is deaf. Don't worry if he is, it just makes him extra special!
Good Luck!