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hind leg weakness

21 10:59:04

Update on my ferret Cozmo he has been at the vet for 5 days the vet is giving him prednisone injections and now I have notice that he is grinding his teeth I was told it was b/c he is in pain it seems he is not getting better but worse I notice when I go and visit that he does have black stools now I have not told the vet but the more I read about that it does not sound good. I am at the point now were I feel I should just bring him home and find another vet like you had suggested before.  

It's sad.  Black stools are a sign of blood as I think I was saying before.  Prednisone is a steroid and which helps inflamation but can cause stomach problems.  Grinding teeth is stomach discomfort usually.  At this point, I would probably bring Cozmo home.  He would feel less stressed with you then with a vet and you can give him Pepto Bismal to help his tummy. Prednisone is good for some things but you can get it in tablet form too.  Shots are strong.  
I wish the best for you and Cozmo.  Let me know how he does.  If you use Pepto it will cause his stools to be dark.  Try the chicken baby food warmed with pumpkin in it and see if that helps too.