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questionable ferret health

21 10:50:10

I have 2 near perfect ferrets. Both adopted from pet stores. They are extremely well behaved, fun loving, even responsible enough to put all their toys back in the little toy box they came out from. I've had them for almost 3 years now.

About a month ago, A ferret was dropped off on my doorstep by my neighbor. It was nearly starved to death; it got passed around so there's no way to nail the owner with cruelty. I gave it 4 baths in a row to get all the dirt and feces off it; It was so caked on. It couldn't walk at the time because it had no back leg muscle strength. (Almost no strength at all) After a day of basically shoving food down its throat. It started to perk up and sniff about. maybe a step here and there. After that, I let it "play" with my ferrets. It layed there and watched them play. It was so small I thought it was a girl. After a week of regular feeding, Its head nearly doubled in size. Its a boy! He was starting to look really well, eating on his own, using a litterbox half the time, exploring everywhere, he even starting to play with my 2 little girls.

I couldn't keep him due to other circumstances so I found him a home not far from me. The family reported to me weekly that he was doing really well. They needed a ferret sitter for a week so he was returned to me for the thanksgiving holiday week. I've been watching him for about 8 hours now. His walking seems like it hasn't really improved since last I saw him; although, he has put on about a pound in weight. That's about double what he was when he first found me and probably half what he should be. His stomach hangs almost to the ground and he is a stronger than last I had him. But he now has a light brown diarrhea and can't seem to contain himself when he needs to go to the litterbox. He makes it about half way then walks while he goes. That's a mess to clean up. Not to mention he has started his shedding season so I can't tell the condition of his coat because well... its falling out. He does have a little dandruff though which I know means that his skin and coat isn't getting the oils it needs. I'm worried about his stomach sagging to the ground, his back leg muscle strength and the diarrhea. The diarrhea is starting to dehydrate him despite my efforts.

I've been really good at preventing almost all illness amoung my girls, but I always catch it early. I've had to nurse a sick fuzzy about as many times as fingers on one hand. I knew I was out of my league when I took the ferret and started care for it. I referenced ferret books about encouraging exercise, proper nutrition, even diseases. In the end I let my eldest girl ferret encourage him to eat and play. She just has that personality. :) I'm so proud of her. He had had a dramatic turn-around which I think is now declining.

Not to mention he has other problems, I think he was couped up in a tiny cage all his life...until me. All his toes on both back feet are pointed in funny directions. They are not straight like they should be. I think he might have broken them at some point and they healed crooked. His teeth have malnutrition marks on them. Lastly, He might be blind or at least partially blind. My 2 girls see VERY well and will chase things like cats. This guy seems to run into lots of walls, furniture, other ferrets, all by accident. The only thing he tends to see is my feet and he tracks my feet to lay on them. I think he trackks my feet with his nose though. That must mean my feet stink... Note to self: wash feet!

I know he doesn't feel well, but I can't figure out why he's sick or more importantly, how to make him better. He won't eat treats, 6 versions of duck soup, or nutrition suppliments. I stopped asking him to eat nutrical and just started shoving it in his mouth. After I do, he'll sit down and eat Zupreem and drink water. But it seems like he's going downhill. I'm worried about him and am debating on taking to the vet although he's no longer "mine"

Are there any remedies, dietary changes, or emergency warning signs I should be aware of? As I said before, mine have never been deathly ill. A little general advice would be nice too.   


It sounds like it could be a mix of things, but ferrets can dehydrate really quickly so get him to the vet.  I am sure poor nutrition and lack of exercise from before are all impacting him.  If he is housed inside the fur loss may be due to adrenal which also needs the vet.