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Old Ferret :(

21 11:00:06

I am a 2nd owner of a male ferret which I have Mothered for over 4 years now.  Over the past year since his best friend had past on (a female ferret) which I had also taken under my wing when they needed a new home...he has just been lost ever since.  His health has gone from fun and playful to old and depressed and last night I thought he was going to die.  Through word of mouth I have heard they usually right after one goes not too long the other should pass away...but my ferret is strong.  Almost a yr now the end of August it will be and he is still here.  And these 2 ferrets were inseparable.  Last night he looked weak, he has a little growth over his eye, but its been there since he was little (the size of a pea and pink? any idea's)  I seemed to wake him up and he barely picked his head up and slowly put it down.  Do you know what the best temp is for them?  I think he should be fine no temp or environment has changed but he is getting older maybe he more uncomfortable about it?  He layed completely on his back in his hammock last night and made a sad noise, then couldn't get out and needed help.  Seems like arthritis kicked in overnight. :(  Please help!

Hi Jaclyn:

I'm so sorry to hear your little ferret is not feeling well.  Normal temperature (taken rectally) is between 101 degrees and 103 degrees, with 101.9 degrees being the most 'normal'.

Of course I can't tell for sure, but by your description of the little pink bump, it sounds as if your ferret has what is called a 'mast cell tumor', which can be fatal in other animals, but for the most part is only an annoyance in ferrets - but it would be a good idea to have your vet check it and be sure. There are other types of tumors it could be that could be more serious.

It is not unusual for ferrets to become depressed for a while when their cagemate dies, but a year is an awful long time.  The ferret would require a LOT more attention from you because suddenly he probably has felt very alone.  If getting another ferret is not a choice, then the best thing you can do is try to spend more time with him.

Since this has been going on for a year, I highly suspect that something is physically wrong inside your ferret that is making him listless and lazy.  For the most part, ferrets don't get 'old and tired'.  A healthy ferret will stay energetic well into old age.  There are several things that can be wrong with a ferret that would cause him to be listless and lazy - and those things are all life threatening.  If this has been going on for a long time, as your letter suggests, I highly recommend you take him to the vet right away.  He could have any number of problems that only a vet can diagnose, but from your description of his behavior, it does sound like something is very wrong with his health - more than just being sad.

Is he eating normally and pooping normally?  That's the first thing to look for in a sick ferret.  If he is not eating well and/or is vomiting or having smaller poops, he could have an intestinal blockage which can sneak up slowly over time, but is an emergency when the ferret stops eating and/or vomits.  One of my ferrets just had that happen last week and had emergency surgery to remove the blockage.  He is already much more energetic than he was before surgery.   

As a general rule, by the time a ferret *shows* any symptoms that something is wrong with him, he is usually very sick and needs veterinary care.  If you have a vet, I truly hope that you call and get your little ferret in right away - even to an emergency vet if you can - especially if his eating and pooping is not normal. Even one day of not eating or pooping/peeing can kill a ferret.  If you don't have a ferret vet, if you tell me where you live, I will be happy to research and find a ferret vet in or near your home town for you.

I wish the best for your little one.  Please let me know what you find out?  My thoughts and prayers are with you and your little ferret.