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Ferret death

21 10:45:31

My ferret (Zoe) just died from cancer and my other ferret (Abi) is with out her cage mate now, My question is how do Ferrets Deal with death. Is there anything i should do for her now.

Hello Graham,

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of little Zoe. Both you and Abi must miss her very much =(

Ferrets do mourn the death of others.  They form close bonds with other ferrets and humans alike.  Be aware that it is not unheard of for a ferret to die over the loss of a special friend.  While this is certainly NOT true of every case, I do want you to know that it can happen.  It depends on how tightly she was bonded with Zoe, and how she manages to deal with the loss.  

As far as what you can do... Make sure you give her extra attention and love.  Some special treats wouldn't hurt either!  Take her on an adventure to the pet store for a special toy or outside for some fresh air.  This will keep her occupied and less likely to feel the stress of the loss as strongly.  Play with her very chance you get, and shower her with plenty of love.  That is the best form of "ferret therapy" you can give her!  

Monitor her for any behavioral changes.  Ferrets show signs of depression in a lack of appetite, lethargy, weight loss, vomiting and diarrhea.  Remember that ferrets have very high metabolisms and need to eat well and frequently.  Depression can cause a decrease in appetite and other GI problems.  If you notice any of these signs, bring her to your vet for a check up.  You want to have problems addressed ASAP so her condition does not worsen or deteriorate.

There is the most wonderful poem written by an anonymous author. It is a beautiful work...  If you are not familiar with "The Rainbow Bridge", please give it a read in memory of Zoe.  

There are also numerous support sites online that can help you cope with the loss. and are only two of MANY great online resources.  There are memorial postings and the ability to participate in a nationwide candle lighting ceremony that takes place every Monday at 10 pm EST (although the time is relative on where you are in the world).  Take a peek at the websites and see if they could be of any use to you =)

I am very sorry for your loss.  Give Abi plenty of extra-special attention to help both you and her cope with Zoe's absence.  Let me know if you have any further questions.  You know where to find me.

-Cindy P.