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Older Ferret Suddenly Snapping at Owner

21 10:58:30

My ferret is about 8 years old and just recently she started becoming very fearful and aggresive. Sometimes she starts freaking out in her cage for no reason and snaps at me when i try to check on her. Is this normal behavior for older ferrets?

Hi Jesse:

Eight years old is pretty old for a ferret. Obviously you've put a lot of love and care into your ferret for her to have lived this long! No doubt she loves you dearly and biting or snapping at your is NOT 'normal' for her!

Unfortunately, when we see aggressive behavior in ferrets, especially in older ferrets who have previously been gentle and non-biters, it means they may possibly be in very serious pain. Something may be going on inside that you don't see outside, but it is hurting her really bad or she wouldn't be snapping at the one she loves and trusts most of all.

I would say that a veterinarian check-up is definitely in order - preferrable as soon as possible.  Something is going on and she is in pain, which is causing fear-snapping to try to let you know "don't touch me - that HURTS!" or "I'm not feeling well, PLEASE don't touch me there!"

I hope you will follow up and find out what is going on - as soon as possible - undoubtedly a vet should be able to help you determine what is going on. Please get her in as soon as possible.  In the meantime, try to handle her as little as possible, but possibly gently lift her with a towel and gently hold her on your lap and talk to her IF she allows it; otherwise, just speak gently to her thru the cage - she will appreciate the fact that you are there and talking to her. Be gentle and be understanding - which is all  you can do right now. She needs your love and gentleness now more than ever.

This might be a good time to just start *thinking* about what you are and are not willing to put her through at this age.  If she has been healthy up until now, it's possible that she could endure a minor surgery and recover just fine. However, if something more serious is involved, you  may want to start just to *think* about IF you would be willing allow the vet to help her cross the Rainbow Bridge and what to do after that.

Please don't panic - don't get the cart before the wagon, but at her age, you really might want to start to think about the possibilities that may come up.  I hope that IF you do decide to help her, that you will be with her when that final shot is given. It comforts them so IF you can hold her and reassure her during her last moments - this, of course is looking WAY down the road and hopefully you won't have to be making a decision nearly that dreadful at this time.  Your vet will be your best guide. I have heard of ferrets living as old as 10 and one at 12, but it is very unusual for them to live past 8, even with the best of care.

Here are a few websites that may help you if you get to a point where you have to make a painful decision.  Please know that I will be here to support you and do anything I can if and when the time comes.

My sincere best wishes and hopes for GOOD news from the vet and the BEST for your little one! I hope and pray this is something easily resolved - only your vet can tell you or sure. Please let me know?

Jacquie Rodgers