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my ferret bites on cage

21 10:58:58

my 3 yr old ferret had surgery today,they removed a mass from her,its not adrenal diease which we thought it was,she is bald,and weight lost since the surgery she has been sleeping alot and bites on cage once in the while why is that?

Hi Bonnie,
Sleeping a lot is totally normal after surgery as it's pretty hard on a ferret's system.  Just make sure she is getting water and food even if you have to feed her chicken baby food.  Let her lick it off of your finger.  Also, supplements of Nutri-Cal or Ferretone will help her get her strength back.

She should be fine too.  Biting on the cage sometimes is the sign of seizures.  If she bites when she is tired and not awake that could be so definitely get some Nutri-Cal as she may have Insulinoma  which is cancer too that ferrets can get.  They do ok with it but need sugar (Nutri-Cal).
