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bad biter

21 10:59:12

I was worried she might be biting because I she was sick.  I had her at the vet about a week ago and the vet said she was in very good health (she is spayed).  She has 2 cage mates, 2 male ferrets (ages 3, and 4).  They all get along very well and get between 1.5 to 2 hours of play time each day.  She is a young ferret and has always been somewhat timid.  Another thing I wonder about is that although she has two playmates, they sometimes leave her out of the games.  I think she might be using me as her primary playmate.  The first time she bit me was while I was playing with her with a stuffed toy.  Is it possible she's just trying to wrestle with me? If so what can I do encourage her play and lessen the biting?
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I have had my female ferret for about a year.  She has recently taken to biting hands and wrists very hard and shaking her head back and forth.  I've tried many methods that I used on my other ferrets to break her of this but nothing seems to work.  What can I do?
It is odd for a ferret to suddenly start biting for no reason.  Make sure you never hit her.  Is she spayed?  If not, she could be in heat.  If she is only a year (you only said you had her a year) then a year is young, but have her checked for Adrenal Disease.  It can make a ferret aggressive as well as a swolen vulua etc.  It is treatable through surgery from a ferret knowledgable vet so make sure to have her checked out.  If she is adrenal free then check for something that changed recently to make her bite.  Do you have other ferrets?  Moved?  Other pets?  Did she have a bad experience with someone new?  What toys does she have?  Where does she live?  What kind of enrichment do you do?

It is very likely that she doesn't know how to play!  They boys probably let her know when she steps over the line.  I used ot have a ferret who was the most gentle in the universe - until you played with him.  He didn't understand my skin isn't as think as his!!  You have 2 main options.  First, yelp and scream (like a ferret) when she hurts you or comes close to hurting you.  She needs a ferret like response from you to understand she has gone too far.  The other thing you can do is to make your hands the best thing ever - hand feed her, give her treats etc.  All while she is calm and gentle.  WHen she gets nippy, stop playing.  ALmost all ferrets will nip when really excited - at your feet or hands or whatever so expect that in general.  BUT make sure she understands biting you is unacceptable.  No hitting or tapping her nose as I find this makes it worse - patience, love and kindness are best.