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Mellow Baby Ferret

21 10:56:51

I just got a baby ferret from Petco a few days ago. I have a had ferrets in the past but never this young. He is eating, and drinking normal, but he seems to be more lethargic, and docile then any ferret I have seen. He plays for a few minutes but seems to get sleepy quickly. He really doesn't seem as enthusiastic to play like I would normal expect. Do you know when I should be concerned or things I could look for. Any advice you have would be great!

Hello and thanks for your question! Well, a ferret, especially a baby ferret, that is not very active is not very normal. But there are always exceptions to rules, there is a chance you happen to have a very mellow ferret. If this is the case then you are pretty lucky, most people would love to have one of those! :)

However, to be on the safe side, I would highly recommend you take your new baby to a ferret vet and have them do a check up, which shouldn't be expensive. There is a rare chance that he might have Insulinoma or Adrenal Disease or something else that is sapping his energy. Again, the chance of it being these is pretty rare since these conditions *usually* appear when a ferret is older. (It could even be something small like the flu). By doing a check up you can rule out any of these things or have a heads up. But if the vet gives you a clean bill of health than I'd say it's probably nothing to worry about. Just make sure he's getting proper nutrition (high quality Ferret Food) and lots of free time and that you interact with him. If he turns out to be a chill ferret I'm sure you can work around it :)

Well, hope I've helped, good luck with him!
