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trimming nails

21 10:58:42

I currently have two ferrets that give me a hard time when I cut there nails. I usually let them out to play for about a good hour or I take them out of their cage after they took a nap. They are both usually trying to climb out of my arms, climbing on my shoulders and making it even harder to cut their nails. What can I do to make nail cutting time quick and have them settled down?

Brittni from Pa

Brittni - you have 2 options (although it is always easier with a helper!).  1.  Place some Ferrtone on a plate of some kind and while ferret is greedily licking treat, trim nails as needed.  They will sometimes jerk their little legs a bit at first, but usually you can contort them in all directions once they are happily licking the drug of choice.  2.  Simply scruffing the ferret (grasping the skin on their neck between thumb and first finger then letting them dangle) is very effective also.  They usually go limp in this position and doesn't hurt them.  But, one had is scruffing while the other is trimming can be a bit tricky and takes a third hand or patience and practice.
Good Luck