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thick fur

21 10:40:16

why do some ferrets have thick coats and others have thin  coats i have 3 ferrets 2 are very very furry and the other has a very thin short hair coat

Hello and thank you for asking!

There can be many reasons for different coats.  It can even occur when the ferrets live in the same house and eat the same food, such as with your three.  

The most often cause is genetics. Just like some people have more hair than others and different colors, ferret coats can come in all sorts. This is obviously natural and nothing to worry about if this is the case, BUT a thin coat can be a sign of problems too.  

Another natural cause of a thin coat is if one ferret begins to shed before the rest.  This can cause his coat to look sparse compared to the others.  This is harmless, and it will begin to regrow.  

A thin coat can also be due to endocrine disease or poor nutrition. Poor nutrition is unlikely since the others have lush coats.  If you are concerned about diet, please refer to the following link (a previously answered question) regarding proper nutrition.

The most important thing is that endocrine diseases such as adrenal needs to be ruled out. Adrenal disease is extremely common in ferrets, and it requires treatment.  One of the common symptoms is thin, brittle fur and commonly hair loss on the tail and hindquarters.  The ferret may or may not exhibit other signs as well.

Information on adrenal disease:

The best course of action is to make an appointment with your vet and see what he thinks.  Endocrine disease like adrenal can be difficult to diagnose, especially if the only symptom is a thin coat.  It is always a good idea to try to diagnose potential problems early for the best possible prognosis.  

-Cindy P.