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21 10:57:31

Hi :) I am the proud owner of two young, very rambunctious dark eyed whites. Just wondering if you had any ideas for some new activities for them. They love all sorts of games and especially enjoy a good game of hide and seek, except my little boys method of hiding is to lay flat on the floor and he thinks you can't see him anymore lol, and they really love tag. I'm looking for something else where I can sit on the floor with them after I get off of work so that I can rest, but still play with them. Any ideas? Thanks a bunch :)

Hello, thanks for asking one of my favorite questions...playtime! I'll be happy to give you a few ideas, but of course you are always welcome to be creative with them and come up with new versions of games, since after all this is for you and your ferrets, so feel free to make these your own.

I'm glad to hear you have two ferrets, I think that helps a bunch as far as their (and your) entertainment goes. LOL sounds like your babies like to tease you by lying flat and pretending you can't see them, mine do the same thing. Or lying flat could mean they want you to make a move and they're waiting for you to initiate, so go ahead and pounce.

My ferrets love it when I take out a plastic bag from my grocery shopping; it makes weird shapes and lots of noise. I poof it up and place it on the floor, then wait for them to investigate and go inside. Then I scoop them up and either drag the bag with them inside across the floor or give them a roller coaster ride in the air (always making sure they are securely inside!). You can see if yours like this by letting the bag go on the ground (gently)--if they jump out and do their war dance, but then promptly re-investigate it means they like it. You can continue by waving the bag around over their heads and see them try to catch it and do other things with it and them. Try wrestling them with the bag, usually ferrets go crazy with this.

You can purchase a plastic ball or two with bells inside, usually a kitty toy, but my ferrets have taken to them. Jingle the ball to get your ferret's attention, and roll it back and forth between your two hands on the floor. Once a ferret is engaged give it a good fast roll across the room, the ferret should chase it and once he "catches" it he can play with it. Double stimulation for the ferret is if you play with him while he tries to play with his ball. Tease him with the jingly ball while you tickle his belly, this drives them nuts (in a good way).

Also you can try another cat toy, however, only play with them with this under your supervision. Buy one of those feather things with bells at the end of a plastic stick, then watch your ferrets try and chase it as you pull it along the ground. You can do this sitting, just go back and forth and over furniture to see him do some Matrix type leaps :) Never hurts to confuse them by letting the birdie thing "fly" over their heads and see them jump up and try to catch it.

Another thing you might want to consider buying is a tube of some kind. Go down to your local Home Depot or other hardware store and look for Dryer Machine tubes that go out the back of the machine, I think it's for the exhaust (sorry I don't know what they're called, but they work great) The tube itself should be 4-5" in diameter, long and flexible. With it you can either leave it alone and your ferrets will love running back and forth through it and playing their own games, and/or you can interact with them by pulling the tube along the floor and seeing them give chase and trying to run inside the tube. Once they're inside you can roll the tube around and do other fun things to your ferrets. I know all these games sound mean but they really aren't, ferrets are funny creatures and actually enjoy being dizzy and tossed around, just watch how they play with each other :)

Okay, I think these are enough suggestions to get you on your way. Anything you have around your house really could be a ferret toy...just as long as it's not edible and safe for them, be creative! Some other things you can play with your ferrets with; boxes, blankets, and stuffed animals. I think you get the picture :)

Hope I've helped, have fun!
