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vaccinations, disease

21 10:44:40

Hi Cassie,
I am planning to get a ferret. I would like to know what yearly vaccines are required for a ferret? Also, do males or females make better pets? Someone told me they are the same but males are less likely to get adrenal disease.

Depending on where you live most states require a Distemper and Rabies vaccination for all ferrets.

In my experience males are females are not all that different. Females tend to be smaller and more hyper throughout their whole lives whereas males tend to be bigger (not always the case in pet store ferrets) and more relaxed after kithood. Of course there are always exceptions I have a 3 year old male who is just as hyper as he was as a kit.

Males have no more of a chance of getting adrenal disease than females. It is a chance you take when getting a ferret some get it and some never do. It helps to maintain a regular relationship with your vet so if your ferret does become adrenal they can catch it as early as possible.

Good Luck =D

Remember do lots of research and ferret proof everything possible!