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My two ferrets..

21 10:52:25


I have a 6 year old ferret (Missy) that I am worried about.  Initially I had bought Missy for another ferret that I had that died 3 years ago. After he died it was just Missy. She was with him for about 2 1/2 years before he passed away.  Now its been three years that she has been alone.  Lately I have noticed that she is lethargic and not her old self.  All she does is sleep. She used to lick me  play, and make her happy noises but she isn't doing that anymore.  She used to get all excited and playful when I would play with her and put her on the bed but she now she just sort of lays there. When she is up she just lays on the floor with her arms tucked in. She is eating, drinking and defecating normally. So I thought that she might be bored or lonely so I brought a new ferret(Sid) home who is about 2 years old so she would have someone to play with.  Sid is very playful and likes to rough house but Missy starts hissing and crying whenever Sid tries to play with her.  It has been 4 days since I brought Sid home and it doesn't look like it is getting any better.  Missy tolerates him but when he wants to play with her she starts to bite and hiss at him. Now instead of biting back missy just cries and  hisses. I don't know what to do. I'm worried about Missy and I am worried that they will never get along.  I don't keep Sid in the cage with Missy.  Missy and Sid are out all day and at night I put Missy in her cage and Sid sleeps in the bedroom with me. please help

Thank you

4 days isn't very long, especially since you keep them separated.  They just need to learn how to deal with each other, without any human assistance.  Missy will figure it out as will Sid.  Also remember that she is quite old for a ferret and may not have the energy levels to match a 2 year old, so she may not ever really play with him, but only tolerate him.