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Harvey Misses His Companion :-(*

21 10:56:33

Hello Jacquie,

i hope you remember our case, sorry that i did not gave you feedback, but things do not go well and yesterday we went to the vet and put our ferret to sleep.

At the weekend everything seems nearly ok, although the weight could not be stopped.
On Monday the ferret has had no power any more whether to drink nor to eat something.

We gave him something to drink and to eat with the help of a syringe to avoid that he dies of thirst.
As it was late on Monday wait till yesterday to drive to the vet and delivered him...

It was a sad moment i think you can imagine that, but he still has a big place in our heart.

Thanks again for your support, maybe you have some ideas what to do with the ferret still living with us, she is now alone and is searching for her friend, always walks around sniffing


Hi Marcus:

I'm so very sorry to hear that your little one did not make it. This is an incredibly sad time - both for you and for your remaining ferret.

Be assured that she is grieving her friend.  She will need lots of extra love and extra time spent with her. Some ferrets, if they are closely bonded to each other, can actually mourn themselves to death.  It's really important that you let her know she is not alone - get down on the floor and play with her every day so she has something to look forward to.  If the weather is below 80 degrees where you live, consider taking a walk outside with her on a leash and harness (try it out in the house first to be sure she can't wiggle out of it) - this may help distract her and help her realize there is a big world out there and that you will protect her if she is frightened. It's really important that you be especially protective (be ready to jerk that leash up so she is in your arms in about one second just in case a stray dog should  happen by - that's another reason you want that harness to fit could save her life if you have to pull her away from a dog running your way. Just be ready, but keep looking all around so nothing sneaks up on your little one.  Carry her most of the way, but let her down to sniff and enjoy flowers, nice green grass, digging (only if you know there are no chemicals in the grass or dirt, such as weed killers, etc).

Take her with you as many places as possible. Don't forget to take along some kibble and some water and a little blanket to put over her head if she wants to sleep - you'll be surprised that she is probably welcome just about everywhere except restaurants.  If you have a pouch to carry her in, she will be happy as long as she is with you. My ferrets go many places with me and know when I put them down in a flowerbed or corner of a building, the are to go potty (if they need to) and they nuzzle my handbag if they are hungry or thirsty - they are wonderful little companions and since she lost her friend, you can step into that void now and she will love accompanying you everywhere.

Leave your other ferret's favorite toys, blankies, etc with her for a few weeks - the scent of the other ferret will be comforting to her.  Don't put your ferret in a different cage, or a different room, sure there are as few changes as possible for a while until she adjusts to being an only ferret.

If you consider getting another ferret - be SURE to take your ferret with you. Ferrets are like people, they like SOME other ferrets and will naturally dislike some other ferrets - you will only know which one(s) she will get along well with if she gets to help choose.

Best of luck to you and your little one. Here is a wonderful website that you can add your deceased ferret's name to and also write a little memorial to her. There is a candle lighting ceremony on Monday evenings also:

Don't hesitate to write again anytime - don't worry about feedback - that's not why I do this. I do it to help other ferret moms and dads in any way I can. My satisfaction is in knowing that I have helped someone, even if in a small way.


Jacquie Rodgers