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1 lb ferret

21 10:43:52

QUESTION: I have 2 ferrets that I enjoy more than I could ever explain. However, I have trouble finding vets to treat them. I have a dog and she had puppies about 6 months ago that were all in the house. I had my house sprayed for fleas and ticks but some how my ferrets are still getting fleas BAD. I bathe them but dont want to over do it because of their skin and coats and my female since she has gotten the fleas has not gained much weight at all. She turned a year old in august but still only weighs 1 pound. Is that normal and what can I do about the fleas. Help please! I want them to be comfortable, I am willing to do whatever it takes.
Thanks for your help.

ANSWER: The 1 lb ferret is not normal at all. Is your vet ferret savvy?

If not I would try to find another vet and ask them to prescribe either Revolution for Kittens or Advantage for kittens. Frontline can also be used but it is riskier than the other 2 listed. I personally use Revolution since it treats and prevents ear mites as well.

If all else fails if you know someone with kittens you can have them get some flea medication for them and use it from the vet.

I would also try to get a vets opinion on the 1lb ferret.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I took my ferret to the vet and he said she was ok. But to me I thought maybe she is underweight. She eats well and plays normally. I have changed her food trying to get her to gain weight several times but she still is small. She is very picky about what she eats. Also, she lost her brother a few months ago so I got a new one which is really rowdy (which is also his name) and she plays well with him. After losing her brother she did not eat for a couple of days but has started eating again but still no weight gain. The problem is I can't find a vet that will treat them in my area. This is not something I bargained for when I bought them. I did my homework when I decided to get them and even called around to find vets and found one but then when I did get them all the sudden they decided that since they "do not get a lot of ferrets that it is not freezable to treat them or keep medications for them." As, I am sure you understand that I am truly frustrated with this and I am deeply concerned about the well being of my babies. Sending them away or giving them to someone is totally out of the question because not only I but also my husband and children are very attached to them, they are apart of our family. For example when I lost my other ferret (which was several months ago) my children still put flowers on his grave and marker. So, please help me with this issue. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you so much.

I live in a town without a ferret savvy vet as well and it can get extremely frustrating at times. I have to travel almost 2 hours to get to a vet for my boys. If you can give my your general area I can probably find a vet around you.

The fleas can cause ferrets to be "drained" so to speak when they get out of hand. You can also purchase Frontline Spray online for around $25-40 depending where you buy it from. If you do decide to buy this it is 1 pump per 1 lb of body weight. Then add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to every 2 cups of drinking water this helps in long term kind of acts as a natural insecticide without all the nasty chemicals.

I would also try "duck soup" on your underweight or both of your ferrets. Mine are fed this every other day mostly as a treat and to keep their coat soft. Duck soup does not contain duck it is a variety of different recipes mostly involving ferret kibble, water, meat baby food, egg, etc.
duck soup recipes: