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Ferret too thin

21 11:00:23

Hello, my ferret has been becoming thinner and thinner for the past month and I am becoming worried. I have looked everywhere for some sort of remedy: pet stores, friends and online but am not sure if i should send her (ferret) to a veterinarian. On an online site I read of a disease ECE in which the symptoms are thinness, vomiting and diarrhea and is induced by coming in contact with another ferret that has already defeated the disease. My ferret is very thin may have diarrhea and does not vomit but the symptoms started realtively 1-2 months after we bought the other ferret (which came home very skinny also. We have bought kitten food and gerber baby food in order to fatten her up but it doesn't seem to be working, can you please help me by diagnosing or giving me suggestions what to do? This is the website that listed the symptoms of ECE

Please diagnose (if possible) or give me suggestions on what to do. Thanks.

I read your other question first.  Yes, ECE causes green stools makes ferrets lose weight.  Bringing another ferret in is good but ferrets get stressed easy and ECE usually is dormant and acts up with stress or other things.  It should go away or back to being dormant, but really be careful that your ferret doesn't get dehydrated.  That can kill them.  As I said in my other email get Pedialyte and put it in your ferrets water.  Both of them can drink that.  Also the baby food is good as long as it's beef, chicken or turkey.  Vegetables have no nutrient for ferrets.  Get some Nutri-cal or Ferret tone or Ferretvite.  That will help.  Please let me know if you have any other questions.