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dark spots on belly

21 10:59:44

I currently own two ferrets, my youngest one being about 8 months old now. Lately I've been noticing these two dark spots on her tummy. They have been there for about a week now, and at first I thought they were bruises from the other ferret or something else hurting her. Then I realized the dark spots also included her fur on her tummy.
Aside from that she's been doing a lot of excessive licking, but overall she is acting fine and healthy I believe. Any idea what the spots are from?

Ferrets lick or groom themselves alot so don't worry about that.  They tend to itch too.  I have had ferrets with the dark spots as well and they go away.  I read in a recent article in ferret magazine too, that a lot of times they bruise just because they play so hard.  I wouldn't be concerned about it at all.  They should go away.  Young ferrets are little lively rough necks and play rough.
