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picky/unsocial ferrets

21 10:50:29

We recently received 2 ferrets from 2 young girls who wanted to get rid of them b/c they didnt have time for them. Having had ferrets growing up I anticipated these two little munchkins to be the loving little guys I had as a child. However, Im thinking they werent handled much b/c they could care less about people. They're not unfriendly, meaning, they dont bite - but they dont like to be touched or held and they dont interact with us - only with eachother. They are also very VERY picky eaters. No matter what kind of food we try, they pick and pick and wont eat. I've even go so far as to not feed them at night so they eat their food from the night before hoping they'll grow used to it - but they dont. Also, they are approximately 3yrs old and were not litter box trained - is it too late? Please help us. We'd love to be able to help these little guys see what human touch can do for them and find a food they'd like to eat. Thank you!!

Not all ferrets thrive on human companionship and that should be Ok - it is Ok with them!  Give them time to know you and they will learn to appreciate you, but don't expect a cuddle bunny!  Ferrets imprint on food very young and if not exposed to a variety of food at this early age, changing their diet can be very tough.  Be patient and make sure to offer them variety.  Usually, the higher quality foods are preferred (Natural Gold or Totally Ferret Venison) which can make the transition easier.  It is never to late to litter box train, just make sure there are plenty of boxes that are kept clean and be patient.  try to place them in the litter box before playtime.